Interested in creating global engineering impact?
Join our community of passionate students who care about learning how to make a difference!
Calling all aspiring engineers! Tackle real-world challenges, showcase your creativity, and gain hands-on experience. This competition is your chance to apply your skills, solve meaningful problems, and boost your resume.
We are seeking donations to build an irrigated vegetable garden on the school grounds this coming summer!
In August 2024, four of our memebers travelled to Tanzania to conduct implementation trips for our Farm & Irrigation and Health & Sanitation projects in Mkutani.
We are seeking donations to construct an additional room, improve roof ventilation, install a water catchment system, and conduct menstrual health workshops at the Mkutani dispensary in Tanzania, enhancing maternal care and hygiene practices in the community.
MIT Engineers Without Borders is a great community of passionate students who care about learning how to make a difference. There's a lot you can do to help us out! Please don't hesitate to contact if you have any questions.