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Join our community of passionate students who care about learning how to make a difference!

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Help us raise funds for our 2024 trip!

We are seeking donations to construct an additional room, improve roof ventilation, install a water catchment system, and conduct menstrual health workshops at the Mkutani dispensary in Tanzania, enhancing maternal care and hygiene practices in the community.

Assessment Trip 2022: Mkutani, Tanzania

In June 2022, four of our members got the chance to travel to Tanzania to conduct assessment trips for our Farm & Irrigation and Health & Sanitation projects in Mkutani.

Farm & Irrigation, Tanzania

We are building a garden for vegetables to supplement 600 students at the Mkutani Primary School with more nutritious lunches.

Health & Sanitation, Tanzania

We are investigating ways to improve the level of maternal care available to women in Mkutani and mitigate the effects of female health & sanitation issues on schoolgirls.

Get Involved

MIT Engineers Without Borders is a great community of passionate students who care about learning how to make a difference. There's a lot you can do to help us out! Please don't hesitate to contact ewb-exec@mit.edu if you have any questions.

  • Join us! Check out our calendar for meeting times, social events, cool conferences, and more!
  • Follow us on our Facebook page and Instagram! Stay up to date on what we're doing, and spread the word to others.
  • Donate. We can't get much done without funding, and every cent brings us closer to accomplishing our goals! Project costs include material costs, travel reimbursements, and community outreach events. Donations should be made to account number: 2721177.